Sunday, July 31, 2011

Presidential Health-fulness

From the get-go, my gut was on edge. I was not an early adopter of Obamamania. I had no faith in him. He got my vote because I was terrified of the alternative. My take? He was inexperienced, naive, and a capitulator by nature.

Sometimes, it hurts to be right. Bush had an excuse for his performance -- actually, he had many. Stupidity. A fundamentally distorted value system. Evangelical lunacy. Backing from a Republican machine that had him by the short-hairs.

Obama has none of these excuses. I'm left with the conclusion that he is a poser, captive of his Corporate masters, a coward and utterly inept at leading and governing. This is no better than Bush, and you could conclude he is worse. Obama had sufficient backing to lead with vision and he squandered it.

So, he hasn't been health-ful for the country, its people, or the planet. He has made no meaningful progress on bank regulation, job-losses, health security, climate change, clean energy, de-militarization, or delusional empire-building for the sake of "security". He has accomplished nothing on the foreign policy front other than killing Bin Laden. Big whoop. And if the news reports on the "debt ceiling" debacle are accurate, he is selling out Social Security, Medicare, and damn near anything else to get a deal with the devil.

We are all in terrible jeopardy, far more than most of us realize. An election looms and for the first time in my adult life, I'm not sure whether or not I'll sit it out or support a third party at the presidential level while attempting to secure a Democratic Congress ...though I'm no longer convinced that our corporate-owned government can serve anything other than the narrow interests of the global corporate hegemony.

I took my Obama stickers off my car. I'm ashamed to have voted for him. I will not give a dime to his campaign.

Barack Obama. No, he can't.

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