Saturday, February 28, 2009

Featuring Justus Drugstore!

Check it out. Our very own Smithville, MO restaurant will be featured in the New York Times Magazine tomorrow. Why? Because they are doing some really great food using the "farm to table" model. I know people who've eaten there and they were quite impressed. But the article also talked about Paradise Locker Meats, a processor of Heritage meats that ships to high end restaurants all over the country. Who knew?

While I rarely eat meat, it is heartening to know that restaurants like this one exist and offer locally sourced food in my neighborhood.


  1. The unusual art on their walls features preserved plant material, often from food producing plants, that's been collected locally. See examples at

  2. Brigg, thanks for the heads-up. That's an awesome way to further connect the dining experience to the earth it came from. I'll check out the link you left.
